سنگ را بدانجا که از آن آمده باز باید گرداند ، که شر را جز با شر نتوان راند . [نهج البلاغه]
الله اکبر، خامنه‌ای رهبر
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بیانیه به زبان انگلیسی


Statement No.1 of Islamic Revolutionary’s cyber activists in reaction to the insult and disrespect to Holy Quran

In the name of God

O People of the Book, let’s begin to say that we are identical till we worship God not taking him into partnership and anyone of us won’t worship any other divinities except the One and Unique God.

Surah Al-E-Imran, verse 64

All divine religions are of Abraham descent. The Jewish, Christian and Islamic religions originate from Hanif Abraham’s religion which is the source of the human knowledge. Quran is also truly the abstract of all the human principals; that’s why impudently insult to Holy Quran, burning it is a real inhuman and disgusting act that hurt the theists all over the world and made ashamed all the Human Rights’ pretenders. It is really regrettable when we hear that Messiah’s adherents committed this unforgettable act despite the fact that Jesus Christ is the symbol of peace, kindness and tenderness. He is the prophet of greatness, purity, sincerity and affection such as his mother who is one of the empyrean’s pure progenies, and his school is the school of humanity and affection. That’s because we all expect that his adherents believe in Mohammad’s religion. The most important thing is that all divine religions are due to human mind such as a unique ghost which is the ghost of the blessed and supreme Lord. Burning Quran is therefore an unforgettable insult to God and his prophet, even though all men should prevent from affronting to sacred things of any religion, according to religious trainings. It is evident that the National Zionism accompanied with who affronted to Quran, as its inhuman crimes’ history shows. So, we want all theists to condemn such disgraceful acts which are enemies’ intrigues as well as a sign of polytheism, expecting Muslims to protest against these blasphemies expressing their religious zeal. We also want the libertarians to participate in different manifestations around the world to condemn these profanities

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>> بازدید امروز: 49
>> بازدید دیروز: 54
>> مجموع بازدیدها: 351242
» درباره من

الله اکبر، خامنه‌ای رهبر

» پیوندهای روزانه

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